fredag 16 juli 2010

The 10 best screen vampires

På samt i "The Observer" listar Mark Kermode de 10 bästa vampyrerna på film och TV. Det som jag tyckte var riktigt kul är att han har med Lina Leandersson från "Låt den rätta komma in". Hon och Robert Pattinson är de enda från 2000-talet trots populära serier som True Blood och Vampire Diaries.

Robert Pattinson, The Twilight Saga (2008-)
Hard to credit, perhaps, but Stephenie Meyer's blockbusting gothic romances have made R-Patz the most successful screen vampire of all time, outselling previous title holders Tom Cruise and Brad Pitt in the Anne Rice adaptation Interview With the Vampire. Hardened horror aficionados may balk, but hordes of Twi-hard fans have swooned to Edward Cullen's otherworldly charms, marvelling at the way his skin glitters in the sunlight, and dreaming of dying (and being reborn) in his sensitively pallid arms. Chastity never seemed so attractive.

Lina Leandersson, Let the Right One in (2008)
"I've been 12 for a long time…" Tomas Alfredson's brilliant adaptation of John Ajvide Lindqvist's novel (which takes its name from a Morrissey lyric) was one of the most unexpected movie treats of the decade – an exhilarating, heartbreaking tale of adolescent angst in which, according to the director, the vampirism was a metaphor for repressed youthful rage. Lina Leandersson is extraordinary as the enigmatic Eli who comes to bullied Oskar's aid, smiting his tormentors and offering true friendship in a world of everyday suburban horror.

Max Schreck, Nosferatu (1922)
Federico Luppi, Cronos (1993)
Bela Lugosi, Dracula (1931)
Lance Henriksen, Near Dark (1987)
Ingrid Pitt, The Vampire Lovers (1970)
John Amplas, Martin (1977)
Gary Oldman, Bram Stoker's Dracula (1992)
Catherine Deneuve, The Hunger (1983)


Lina Leanderson & Robert Pattinson

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